# 💬 Slack

We use Slack for team-wide communication, announcements, and project-specific coordination. The workspace can be found here. You should receive an invite in your email to join the workspace - if you haven't, please reach out to your lead or one of the presidents for help!

# Slack Best Practices

  • Install Slack on your devices and enable notifications so you don't miss discussions and annoucements!
  • Use threads for conversations, especially in large channels! This helps prevent spam and makes it easier to catch up on missed conversations.
  • Name channels using our naming scheme to make it easier for others to find your channels.
  • If it is important, do not leave it in Slack! We are on the free tier of Slack, so messages eventually expire. Anything important or permanent should be in a GitHub issue or repository!

# Naming Slack Channels

We use a channel naming scheme to make channels easier to find (based on ideas#13) that leverages the following prefixes:

  • #ot- for "off-topic" discussions, such as those related to a particular hobby
  • #cop- for "community of practice" discussions, such as those related to a skill or technology
  • #ask- for question channels, mostly for questions aimed at teams to Launch Pad members that aren't a part of a team a space to ask questions
  • #tm- for teams
  • #nt- for notifications (some Slack bots and integrations can send updates to specific channels)

All channels should be named using this scheme.

Some channels are featured in this document, but you can easily find a full list of each category of channel by searching for a prefix!

# Community of Practice (#cop-) Channels

# Off-Topic (#ot-) Channels

# Ask Leadership and Teams (#ask-) Channels

# Bots & Apps

# Rocket updated

Rocket 2 is our very own Slack bot, used for managing our roster across Slack and GitHub. Members use it mainly to automatically add themselves to the GitHub organization.

You can get started by editing your profile to include your GitHub username with /rocket user add and /rocket user edit --github <username>. The first command will add your Slack account into the system and the second will link your account to GitHub and send an invitation for the UBC Launch Pad organization.

For more commands, type /rocket help. If you are interested in how it works, check out the documentation page.

# GitHub

You can configure your GitHub notifications to be delivered to your Slack account via the GitHub Slack app - read this guide to learn how!